Scientific article by Aldo Iannotti della Valle on Federalismi: ‘The decree-law at the time of the NRRP: towards an ordinary extraordinariness’
On Federalismi a scientific article by Aldo Iannotti della Valle, teaching staff member of the Jean Monnet Chair, about the changes that the Next Generation EU programme and the NRRP are operating on the system of sources of law, favouring government decree-laws over ordinary legislation. The paper focuses on the instrument of the decree-law to verify, with respect to the intentions of the constituents and the reconstructions of the doctrine, how this peculiar source of law is evolving today, and how it could still evolve, from a source of law limited to extraordinary cases towards a growing centrality in the system of sources of law.
The article is available online, in open access, on the Journal’s website, and can be downloaded here.