Article by Francesco Giavazzi on Politico
On Politico a new article by Francesco Giavazzi (emeritus of political economy at the Bocconi University of Milan and JMC teaching staff member), published on 3 February 2025 and written with Veronica Guerrieri and Guido Lorenzoni, about the economic measures the EU should take to...
Op-ed by Serena Sileoni on ‘La Stampa’
On La Stampa of 1 February 2025, an op-ed by Serena Sileoni, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair, about European competitiveness.The entire op-ed is available on the La Stampa website at this link. ...
Op-ed by Marco Leonardi on ‘Il Foglio’
On ‘Il Foglio’ of 9 January, a new op-ed by Marco Leonardi, JMC teaching staff member: ‘In Italia serve un Doge per l'IA’. ...
Op-ed by Marco Leonardi on ‘Il Foglio’
On 'Il Foglio' of 9 January, a new op-ed by Marco Leonardi, JMC teaching staff member: 'Futuro di bilancio'. ...
Op-ed by Francesco Giavazzi on ‘Il Corriere della Sera’
On ‘Corriere della Sera’ of 28 December 2024, from the front page, a new op-ed by Prof. Francesco Giavazzi, emeritus of political economy at the Bocconi University of Milan and member of the teaching staff of the Jean Monnet Chair. The full op-ed on
Op-ed by Francesco Giavazzi on ‘Il Corriere della Sera’
On ‘Corriere della Sera’ of 7 December 2024, from the front page, a new op-ed by Prof. Francesco Giavazzi, emeritus of political economy at the Bocconi University of Milan and member of the teaching staff of the Jean Monnet Chair. The full op-ed on
Op-ed by Serena Sileoni on La Stampa
On La Stampa of 28 November, an op-ed by Serena Sileoni, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair, about the vote for the renewal of the European Commission.The entire op-ed is available on the La Stampa website at this link. ...
Second session of the JMC conference about ‘The future of the European Union’
The conference organised by the Jean Monnet NextGEUOrder Chair on ‘The Future of the European Union’ was concluded today at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University. Discussing the new stability pact were the Director of the Department of Legal and Economic Sciences at Suor Orsola, Tommaso...
First session of the JMC conference about ‘The future of the European Union’
Yesterday 21 October 2024, at Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, the first session of the conference ‘The Future of the European Union’ took place, dedicated to the topic ‘Does European constitutionalism exist?’.After the greetings of the Rector Lucio d'Alessandro, speakers were Francesco Marone (Università...
Op-ed by Serena Sileoni on ‘Il Mattino’
Today's Il Mattino, with an op-ed by Serena Sileoni (holder of the Jean Monnet Chair), previews the topics of the conference ‘The Future of the European Union’, which will be held at the Università degli studi Suor Orsola Benincasa starting tomorrow 21 October (3pm) and...